Our 360 Coaching & Training Process
Ask for feedback from people with diverse backgrounds. Each will tell you one useful thing.A 360 process is as successful as the knowledge, experience and positive results the vendor you partner with has with implementing a turn-key 360 process. We’ve been successfully collaborating and implementing 360s for individuals, teams; small to global Fortune 500 firms for the last 20+ years. We create everything from communication strategies that increase trust, accelerates “buy-in,” participation, inspires candid, high-quality feedback, and post 360 follow through to ensure 360 action plans produce visible, measurable growth and a positive impact on culture. Accordingly, the “how” an organization implements a 360 process is what ensures early engagement, assimilation, adoption, and a higher return on investment, over time.
– Steve Jobs
We can facilitate one individual 360 all the way to a complex global, 500+ scale turn-key 360 programs “all at once” or, “stacked in phases” to keep the flow of business moving forward and to reduce “rater fatigue” more common with larger scale enterprise 360 implementation projects.
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Our 360 Coaching & Training Process
We can also handle every phase of 360 project management, pre and post 360 launch, including strategic competency and rater selection, post 360 1:1 or team coaching (short to extended 1:1/team executive coaching), use proven pre-packaged, more affordable, 360s or custom 360 tools we’re licensed to deliver; or use your own firm’s existing 360 tools. We’ve facilitated virtually all 360 brands over 20+ years. Action-planning, learning tools and other key learning drivers are also included that make our 360 process valuable and delivers ROI against your talent development goals.
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Scientifically tested: Decisionwise, Korn Ferry and latest additions: SurveyConnect, and Qwikcoach©. We’re very flexible as far as which 360 works best for your firm and with larger groups usually start with a “360 Pilot” to ensure a successful implementation before we roll out across firm.
When 360s are implemented in a purposeful and transparent way, the feedback a Participant receives often yields exponential positive growth and enhanced engagement. We also collect data and can provide valuable, yet confidential top level themes and insights to enable a CEO and senior leadership to better understand current “performance drivers”, against behaviors and skills that are needed, to grow talent beyond current skill levels to deliver desired future results vision and goals. By creating a targeted 360 action plan, it has a rippling effect on leaders, teams, accelerates growth, using customized, practical ways to close gaps with areas of development, build on skills and leverage strengths using their
Accountability Action Plans©.
How Do 360s Work?
We partner with your firm in first identifying 360 goals, timelines, the best 360 tool, and competency selection to drive talent and if applicable, enterprise-wide growth. We usually provide a couple of options that can work best with your strategic talent development goals, culture and budget. If your culture isn’t as defined or strong, we can also provide OD consulting services on how to best use 360 results to define a more values, team and results driven performance culture. We can work, at any level, anywhere within an organizational structure, from Mid-level to Board to ensure a positive, wholistic view of 360 is implemented where folks look forward to being included and trust in the 360 process and results. We typically work first with a firm’s CEO, CFO, ELT, CPO, CLO, or combination, to set or align with the firm’s vision. We also work directly with department heads or individuals, depending on the culture, size of the assignment, organizational structure, context and goals.
We’ve carefully selected high quality 360 vendors, for all budgets, ranging from employee driven 360s to larger scale, global 360s that require an expert, like us, to project manage or partner with you. We work with individuals and teams in start-ups, small to mid-size firms all the way to enterprise-wide where also understanding crucial cultural differences on how to deliver 360 feedback is a strength we bring to this process. Since needs vary, we represent a variety of web-enabled tools for all devices, available 24-7.
Our newest additions to our excellent suite of 360 products is the award-winning “Character Strength” 360 based tool called the Tilt 365© feedback tool and VIA both provide individual, team and team climate insights to develop Character Strengths. Both are scientifically developed and proven 360 tools based on our own experience and research that aligns with studies done by respected firms like: Gallup, VIA Institute, Dr. Martin Seligman, Dr. Ryan Niemiec, KRW International and TILT365 on the Return on Character. Their studies show the exponential positive impact leaders operating from Character Based Leadership has on overall team development and enterprise growth. These agile leaders operate from awareness, leverage their strengths and are several times more equipped to adapt to rapid change, yield better business results and inspire teams to feel more engaged, balanced and fulfilled. These suite of tools can be used either during 1:1 individual coaching, team development or culture development.
We also added Qwikcoach©, that can be used to develop skills, with or without a 360 process. It enables self-paced, talent development, for all levels, by subscription to fulfil immediate access, micro-learning needs. We can check in with individuals or teams, monthly or quarterly.
What Are The Results?
Organizations who want to grow in a sustained manner and attract the best talent, must have motivated and engaged employees. Successful businesses understand that when their people are happy and productive they look forward to coming to work, sharing ideas and form efficient, collaborative teams that produce shareholder/customer value and growth. 360s can be used as the first step in better understanding: talent level, positive strengths, blind spots, overall team climate so we can make specific recommendations on best training options to best leverage strengths and eliminate gaps. Other times, 360s are used to develop awareness, EQ and overall leadership skills for specific leaders that are identified as “high-potentials.”
A common question we’re asked: do you ever use a 360 as part of a PIP? (A Performance Improvement Plan). Our answer is simply, no. We believe 360s should be used as an investment to grow talent versus at the final stages of an exit. In these instances, we recommend our Human Resources (HR) Consulting services instead. We can add a 360 as part of our 1:1 Outplacement Services usually included in a severance, for an exiting more senior leader. We believe transparency and intent of 360s should be motivated by keeping or retaining talented employees so they can further grow. See our pages on Human Resources & Organizational Development Consulting and Outplacement 1:1 Individual & Team Coaching for more information.
Examples of Assignments and Results We’ve Obtained
Example 1
An individual director was being held back from a promotion. He grew rapidly in the organization, had excellent technical skills and had been rewarded with promotions over the last 5 years, yet were passed over for an SVP promotion leader really wanted. We were hired to deliver a Korn-Ferry 360 feedback in combination with 1:1 post 360 executive coaching. Though daunted by the process of self-discovery, this individual was highly motivated to find out how he was perceived by the team, given his high visibility role with exceptional sales results. When we met live to go over the 360 feedback results that highlighted in detail his strengths and areas of improvement, he was both surprised and grateful at opportunity to address these specific areas. Within 10 months, he had emerged as a more mature leader who understood why Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is as important as (IQ) his technical skills and results. He was promoted to SVP shortly thereafter. He was so appreciative for this experience, he volunteered to be a speaker at any of the team trainings we also facilitated for Middle Managers to underline the importance of giving and receiving meaningful feedback and not only focusing on results.For more progressive firms, we roll 360 results within a “team training” versus only within an individual 1:1 coaching session. Both can be done on-sight or off-sight.
Example 2
We created a 2 day, team training that included a 360 at an offsite for a large CPG firm. The participants were a mix of global leaders from Middle Managers to VPs. The training was specifically designed to give leaders, targeted leadership skills training (eg. listening, conflict resolution, how teams evolve, how to give and receive performance feedback, EQ principles and coaching skills training.) There was also a module where team-members shared their 360 results in small groups. In this program, participants also practiced newly acquired skills by applying these in practical case studies to deepen their learning, network and fine tune individual and team action plans. This global program involved 100+ leaders.
This program was followed by limited, post-training 1:1 coaching for everyone. Select “high-potentials” and more senior leaders were rewarded with extended 1:1 individual coaching packages to ensure ongoing reinforcement, assimilation, accountability and growth. We delivered top level insights to the CEO and the executive leadership team, to generate awareness, discuss progress and close gaps with targeted solutions. This team won, within 2 years, a coveted industry award for innovation and doubled their sales. These exceptional results only occurred because the CEO was a formidable sponsor, communicator and worked in partnership with us to drive talent engagement and growth as a strategic priority.
Example 3
In another 360 project, we facilitated a “train the trainer” for a Big 5 consulting firm. The CHRO, felt her HR team was not operating as “business partners and coaches.” We created an HR team offsite. The facilitated session encouraged HR team to explore how to become better business partners, coaches, advisors for all levels. We used a 360 as part of the awareness building process and shared top level results. We also facilitated Coach Training for HR Professionals. After the offsite, each HR Partner-Coach, received 1:1 Coaching so that they could have a sounding board as they practiced & fine-tuned their skills. Since executive 1:1 coaching is mostly done over the phone or web, and for some live sessions, we were able to coach HR participants anywhere in the world, from the comfort of their private offices; or when traveling, from their hotel rooms. We paired each HR professional with a “best fit” coach. It was so successful, they decided to roll out 360 coaching to all their high potentials.
The structure and program we recommend depends on our client’s organizational goals, size of organization, time and budget available against desired goals. In all cases, from a single individual 360, all the way to a large-scale 500+ 360 global projects, we deliver attention to details, share best practices and are able to show value. We want all Participants, Raters, sponsors and employees to have a positive experience that yields measurable results. In virtually every case, 360s lead to greater awareness, better communication skills, greater team collaboration across teams, leadership effectiveness, and overall observable growth. 360s can also be very powerful in accelerating results, when implemented by experts like us with a 20+ year successful track record.
Are You Ready?
If you’re ready to learn more about Executive 1:1 Coaching, or have questions, call 212-501-6973 or email info@coachpeople.com today!
Are you ready to unleash your inner potential?
Our Coach-Approach
Coach People Inc.® is a global, boutique leadership development firm with 20+ years of success working across industries and levels. We specialize in an array of People-Talent Development Tools, Products and Consulting Services that produce measurable results using a “coach approach” when implementing solutions. A ‘Coach-Approach’ is a “leadership style” that’s “agile” in nature and works best with our current, fast-paced environment. It’s effective across all five generations that are working together. It’s a unifying, level-setting style of leadership. Our method enables leaders and teams to get to partner together and get to the ‘heart of the matter’ quicker. Leaders provide clarity of vision, inspire innovative ideas that turn into actionable goals. Accountability and rewards produce overall growth. Our methodology provides leaders with practical tools to create an intentional, positive, collaborative, and accountable culture that delivers focused results across levels and functions. Leaders who utilize a “coach-approach” learn to shift mindsets depending on “context.” This approach is portable, can be applied anywhere and consistently creates fulfillment and growth personally and professionally. For more information contact info@coachpeople.com.